April 2020 internet

List of links and videos of some interesting things from April 2020. Month is dominated in reality by Coronavirus and my internet history is littered with articles and news stories about it, but here are some more positive things
- Marine Traffic / AIS data - great way to monitor the influx of Cruise Liners to the local bay, parked up due to the Coronavirus
- How Google Ruined the Internet
- VFIO / Gaming via a server - indepth guide to running a virtual machine with the graphics passed through from the host to the guest. Looking Glass also interesting, enabling a baremetal Linux desktop to run a Windows VM with GPU passed through directly, without needing additional monitor.
- Tiger King - everybody's favourite lockdown Netflix fix
- Four letter domains - we are out of 4 letter domains, domainnamesoup is marginally useful for find an alternative short domain
- The Trafalgar Way - 500km bike ride from Plymouth to London
- Kick the Shit Out of Procrastination - something for me to re-read
- Why Japan’s Rail Workers Can’t Stop Pointing at Things
- PhotoPrism - self hosted, server based image storage and organisation
- LetterJam - a board game that we've found works reasonably well via video link
- De-Googling: My Progress - blog about trying to stop using Google