October 2020 internet
Links to articles & music from October, 2020

Links to articles & music from October, 2020
- How One Piece of Hardware Took Down a $6 Trillion Stock Market (bloomberg.com) - when high-availablity fails and takes out the Tokyo stock exchange
- The Assange extradition case is an unprecedented attack on press freedom (independent.co.uk) - the high court case that's conspicuous in its absence from most UK media
- The Cat in the Hat Strikes Back? (motris.livejournal.com) - Sudoku controversy from the 2009 Sudoku National Championships
- SOFA (penkilnburn.com) - a forty second play by Bill Drummond
- A Columnist Makes Sense of Wall Street Like None Other (nytimes.com) - article about Money Stuff journalist Matt Levine
- They're Made out of Meat (mit.edu) - wait, we're all just meat?
- How the Dude was Duped by Big Tech (medium.com/hansdezwart) - communicating with an automated brick wall
- Top 10 games from the JS13K 2020 competition (github.blog) - games made from just 13kB of JavaScript
- Domesday Redux: The Rescue of the BBC Domesday Project Videodiscs (ariadne.ac.uk) - recovering the BBC Domesday project discs that were created in 1986 as a snapshot of life in the UK
- Rclone (rclone.org) - a powerful tool for syncronising various cloud storage systems with a PC / other cloud services