Links from week 20, 2021

Another week of links, from 17th - 23rd May 2021
- Ai mid 2021. Self driving car meets reality. (blog.piekniewski.info) - the status of self driving AI powered cars in 2021
- Caltech professor helps solve Hindenburg disaster (caltech.edu) - analysis of the Hindenburg disaster to find out what the route cause was
- How Lucky Is Too Lucky in Minecraft? - (politicalcalculations.blogspot.com) - a cheating scandal in Minecraft speedrunning - worth watching the entire 40min analysis of the probabilities in the speed run by Stand-Up Maths
- A Teenager's Guide to Avoiding Actual Work (madned.substack.com) - author's reluctance for physical labour, avoiding it with better paid programming
- How Miss Shilling’s Orifice Helped Win the War (damninteresting.com) - story of a pioneering engineer who helped fix a critical issue in the fuel system of the Spitfire