Links from week 26, 2021
Links from week 26, 2021 (June 28th - July 4th)
- How a Docker footgun led to a vandal deleting NewsBlur's MongoDB database (blog.newsblur.com) - a default setting in Docker allows an outside actor to drop the database
- Building a DIY Smart Doorbell (buzzert.net) - Raspberry Pi-based 'smart' doorbell to avoid having to use one powered by Amazon
- Concrete: The material that's 'too vast to imagine' (bbc.com) - the age of concrete, if we keep creating it then it will outweigh all living life on the planet
- The Alt Tour (alttour.ef.com) - Lachan Morton is going to attempt to ride the entire 2021 Tour de France route, non-stop, without support, he will also ride all the transfer stages, adding around 2000km onto the total distance
- The short tale of an online scam (duarteocarmo.com) - using Python to mess with a scammer