Links from week 27, 2021

Links from week 27, 2021 (July 5th - 11th)
- The AI Wolf That Preferred Suicide Over Eating Sheep (lancegym.medium.com) - programming an AI wolf with unexpected results
- DIY IoT Fan (mulliken.net) - hacking a basic fan with a microcontroller to integrate into a smart home
- Cheat-maker brags of computer-vision auto-aim that works on “any game” (arstechnia.com) - using machine learning and a separate PC to help cheaters in online video games
- “Cat Person” and Me (slate.com) - the (possible) inspiration behind the viral dating story 'Cat Person'
- 25 Gigabit Linux internet router PC build (michael.stapelberg.ch) - home-building a beast of an internet router with a fully fledged Ryzen powered PC
- "One Day Longer and Those 13 Boys Would Be Dead" (zeit.de) (archive.is link: pt1, pt2) - the story of the Thai cave rescue back in 2018
- Automated Hydroponic System Build (kyldgabriel.com) - Raspberry Pi powered hydroponic irrigation system
- Is the Pirate Queen of Scientific Publishing in Real Trouble This Time? (chronicle.com) - the court case threatening SciHub and its founder
- Is it time we fell out of love with large eggs? (bbc.co.uk) - just use medium eggs
- We Got the Phone the FBI Secretly Sold to Criminals (vice.com) - the phone that was supposedly so secure that it couldn't be used by law enforcement to gather evidence, that turned out to have been sold by the FBI
- NDA Expired - let's spill the beans on a weird startup (shkspr.mobi) - bizarre job offer that involved going to interviews and effectively trying to sell a product and not getting the job