Mildly interesting things from week 3 of 2021
Another week from the internet, here's a list of links and videos that seemed interesting
Discovered Jay Foreman's YouTube channel the other week from the Trending pages, all great content and I've been bingeing pretty hard on this. It seems strange to see good content on the Trending page usually the content showing there is really not my cup of tea. I also find it quite strange that the channel features other YouTubers that I follow (Tom Scott, Beardyman, The Tim Traveller) but I've never seen it recommended for me. Anyway, there are several series on the channel, Map Men, Unboring politics and Unfinished London below:
- What is Social Cooling? (reasonandmeaning.com) - social cooling refers to people adjusting their behaviour in reaction to the feeling of being watched
- 6 reasons the Fediverse is better than regular social media (slashdev.space) - the fediverse is a decentralised alternative to the main social media platforms, here's 6 reasons it can be considered better.
- Retiring Tucows Downloads (tucows.com) - the nostalgia! Tucows was one of the biggest download sites around from when I first started using a computer on the internet in the late 90s / early 2000s. Use of sites like this and download.com seemed to have stopped a few years ago for some reason (most things are browser-based, or are available from their source on GitHub I suppose)
I've posted a few songs from Bicep, the latest album has now dropped, here's the playlist:
- BitLocker Lockscreen bypass (secret.club) - exploit to bypass bitlocker on Windows
- A UX case study on Signal (builtformars.com) - user experience breakdown for new users of Signal following it's huge uptick in users fleeing from Whatsapps new data sharing user agreement
- PixelFed - an Instagram clone using the Fediverse, decentralised social media network
- I no longer trust The Great Suspender (dafoster.net) - The Great Suspender was (is?) a popular Google Chrome extension which has now been bought/modified in a way that makes it completely untrustworthy
- What is good and bad about the F-35 cockpit: A ‘Panther’ pilot’s guide to modern cockpits (hushkit.net) - a comparision of cockpits from a RAF pilot, with the Harrier, FA/18 Hornet and F35 featured
- The Next Gen Database Servers Powering Let's Encrypt (letsencrypt.org) - I think I'm just a sucker for nice computer builds, here is the latest server build that runs the LetsEncrypt database. Really interesting to see that their main read/write server is a single box, (with other read nodes also available). Includes a link to their guide on GitHub for configuring a ZFS datastore for MariaDB
- Remembering Windows 3.1 themes and user empowerment (hisham.hm) - when users customisation on the desktop was a thing