Week 4, 2022
Week 4, 24th - 30th Jan 2022

I think I'm just trying to find a blogging system that works for me, but I'm about 20years behind. The sorts of stuff I'm posting here is 100% what Twitter was invented for but I feel like I want to post this on my own platform. This does mean that when I forget to backup this server or get bored the site just disappears
- How I Got Pwned by My Cloud Costs (troyhunt.com) - getting tripped up by the Cloudflare cache settings - and the need for setting alerts/limits on cloud infrastructure when it comes to spikes in traffic/costs
- How big was the Tonga eruption? (reuters.com) - some analysis of the scale of the huge eruption that took place in Tonga last week
- Yet another hot take on “folders versus tags” (eleanorkonik.com) - comparison of using folder vs. tags, from a pro-folder point of view, so it suits me
- A UX designer walks into a Tesla Bar (jenson.org) - the tidying up of the Tesla UI that has hidden standard car-interface buttons
- Which bike tire fits my bike? (explainmybike.com) - all the details hidden on your bike tyre, and what the meaning is of all those numbers
- AirPods don't "Just Work" (philip.design) - a list of gripes about the Apple AirPods
- Diving into BoardGameGeek (jvanelteren.github.io/blog) - analysis of BoardGameGeek to find great games that aren't necessarily at the top of the BGG charts