Links from week 44, 2021

Some links from 01-07 Nov
- These Parents Built a School App. Then the City Called the Cops (wired.co.uk) - parents built an open source (and not terrible) version of the the school's scheduling app and got sued
- Cheer up! It’s not the end of the world… (hexus.net) - tech publication for as long as I can remember is ceasing to publish news (and remain only as a forum)
- Against Discord channels (becca.ooo) - arguments against too many channels in Discord. Probably would apply quite well to other messaging apps like Teams as well
- How to Build a Low-tech Website? (solar.lowtechmagazine.com) - low-power, low-tech website that is solely powered by solar and batteries
- Now you can (try to) serve five terabytes, too (rachelbythebay.com) - difficulties of working in a large organisation, specifically Google in this case, and trying to get things done
- fuck.com (links.net) - attempting to secure the titular domain name back in 1994
- The "ultimate" Thinkpad (calbryant.uk) - upgrading a Thinkpad to make it last a few more years. It would be great if laptops were more standardised and upgradable like the new Framework laptops - my Dell XPS has pretty good build quality with aluminum clam shells and it feels solid but it could really do with replacement hinges and one day CPU/Mainboard. Tricky to get things like the touchpad correct though and you'd need a whole new top cover / keyboard to keep up with any technological changes like Windows Hello compatible cameras for example