Week 6, 2022
Week 6, 7th - 13th Feb 2022

- Thank you, Valve (kinduff.com) - grateful for the huge contribution Valve has made to progress gaming on Linux
- Ten years of Thinkpadding (127001.me) - a look back on the Lenovo ThinkPads from the past decade
- Surviving the front page of HackerNews on a 50 Mbps uplink (ounapuu.ee) - a static site to survive a modern day slashdot effect
- Settings are not a design failure (linear.app) - making an app support your users better with customisation
- An Experiment in Following a Worm Through a Folded Letter (collation.folger.edu) - analysing a hole in paper caused by a worm, to work out how the letter was originally folder
- SSH into your private machines from anywhere, for free, using Cloudflare Tunnel (orth.uk) - I currently run Cloudflare DNS to forward traffic to my ISP firewall - here's newish(?) way provided by Cloudflare to run a VPN tunnel to your infrastucture to allow access to local webapps
- The Factorio Mindset (thediff.co) - the benefits of learning to automate everything through endless hours playing Factorio
- The Notorious Board Game That Takes 1,500 Hours To Complete (kotaku.com) - even I don't have time to play this game